Ganga Amrit Eye Drop (15ml)
Ganga Amrit Eye Drop (15ml) is a professional product designed to provide effective eye care. With its unique formula and expertly crafted ingredients, this eye drop offers relief from dryness, irritation, and redness. Soothe and protect your eyes with Ganga Amrit Eye Drop.
Key Ingredients:
- Argilla vitriolum
- Ammonia chloridum
- Glycerin
Key Benefits:
- Ganga Amrit Eye Drop may help in managing eye-related concerns such as redness of the eyes and irritation
- It contains argilla vitriolum, which helps maintain natural vision
- The drop may help in relieving swelling and inflammation
Directions For Use:
1 or 2 drops to be applied in both eyes once after bath and again at bedtime or as directed by the physician.