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Dr Willmar Schwabe Germany Calcarea Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6X

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Original price Rs. 180.00
Current price Rs. 135.00

Boost your body's natural healing process with Dr. Willmar Schwabe Germany Calcarea Phosphorica Biochemic Tablet 6X. Formulated by industry experts, these tablets contain 6X potency of calcarea phosphorica, known to improve bone and muscle health. Take them regularly for optimal results.

Main Ingredients:

  • Calcarea Phosphorica

Major Benefits:

  • Aids in growth and healing of bones and teeth
  • It is also useful in the condition of dentition
  • Provides relief from sleeplessness, chlorosis and anaemia
  • Useful in case of Vitamin D deficiency
  • Aids in curing fractures and osteoporosis
  • Useful in conditions of chronic gastrointestinal catarrhs, too weak menstruation and weakness of pelvic floor
  • Suitable for women suffering from lymphatism, emaciation and rapid mental fatigue

Use instructions:

  • Children under one year old should take one tablet two to three times a day.
    1-3 times a day, children under the age of six should take two to three tablets.
  • Three to four times a day, children aged six to twelve should take two to three tablets.
  • Adults and teenagers should take two to four pills starting at age twelve. three to six times a day
  • The doctor should determine the appropriate dosage.